Cameo Comeback in the 21st Century

By Caitlin Goodman of Robert’s Jewelers —

While ivory carvings have been around for centuries, turn-of-the-century cameo jewelry evokes a romantic, feminine aesthetic. Fortunately, you don’t have to lace up a corset to appreciate the beauty of Victorian estate jewelry. Paired with bright tomato-red nails like above or au natural, the cameo is making a major comeback in fashion and beauty. (, article: “The Cameo Makes a Comeback by Victoria Stanell)

Cameos are hand-carved portraits of people, animals or scenery that give a three-dimensional look. They have been used for various purposes and decorated with a wide range of carvings: gods or goddesses, themes of mythology, biblical events, beautiful women, royalty, scholars, and philosophers. Also, many cameos represented then-living heroes and rulers that showed their power and one’s loyalty.

biblical cameo



As of today, Cameos are on the rise again, but being incorporated into wedding themes, used as accent pieces on the wedding cakes, dresses and bouquets, another fashion piece added to a fashionable outfit, or even used as a romantic hairpiece.







Check out Katherine’s gorgeous blue Cameo necklace off one of America’s most favorite TV series, The Vampire Diaries:


Now that you’ve seen a little touch of how Cameos are coming back into the fashion world, you’re probably getting the itch to want to start looking for your one of kind Cameo(s). Whether you are adding your special day or adding to your jewelry collection, Robert’s would like for you to look no further! We have a wonderful selection of beautiful, one of a kind Cameo pieces to choose from and the knowledgeable staff here to help make your shopping experience the best yet. See a few of our hand-selected antique Cameos below. For more information and questions regarding these pieces, please contact Robert’s Jewelers at 731-664-2257 TODAY!

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